
Why Hire a Holistic Nutrition Consultant?

Why Hire a Holistic Nutrition Consultant? When it comes to taking care of your body and brain, your diet is the single most important factor in determining your health. Nutrition is literally the fuel that makes or breaks you. Thankfully, food is also the easiest and most powerful tool to gain control of your health. […]


Dinosaur Kale Salad

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This beautiful Dinosaur Kale Salad  not only looks beautiful, it is healthy and tastes amazing too. I have brought this salad to many potlucks and it is always a crowd pleaser. It should be made a couple of hours in advance to allow the Dinosaur kale to soften a bit.  Use all organic ingredients when […]


13 Quick and Easy Health Ruining Tips

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What? Am I serious? Yes I am…to find out the best health ruining tips, keep reading. You may be doing many of these and know how bad these choices are. But just in case you need a reminder…here are 13 ways to ruin your health in no time. Here we go: Eat as much as […]


The Dark Side of Drinking Green Juices

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You are shopping at your local healthy organic market and you grab a green juice. You assume it is all good for you since it is labeled green juice or Superfood. But is it really good for you? Many green juices and smoothies contain high sugar content that exceeds recommended amounts for healthy diets. Dr. Robert Lustig, […]


Paleo Plus Potluck Dinner Group

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Free Paleo Plus Potluck Dinner Group! Based on a client’s suggestion, I have started a Free Paleo Plus Potluck Dinner Group. Our first meeting took place on January 19th and it was great. We had a nice turnout, good conversation, and delicious food.  If you have you been wondering about what constitutes an appropriate and healthful Paleo diet in the modern era, then […]


20 Quick and Easy Tricks for Losing Weight *

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20 QUICK AND EASY TRICKS FOR LOSING WEIGHT By Tamar Cohen NC   Have you been struggling with losing weight or weight management? Keep reading to discover the methods I use with my clients to help them achieve their weight loss goals.   Eat 3 nutrient dense whole food meals a day Focus on veggies, moderate protein and good […]


What are the Benefits of Bone Broth?

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What are the benefits of Bone Broth? Bone broth benefits are so numerous it is considered a superfood. Many nutritionists recommend bone broth for conditions as varied as leaky gut syndrome, poor digestion, joint pain, dry skin, brittle hair and nails, auto-immune diseases, and even cancer. Most clients who drink bone broth see marked improvements […]


One-Pot Paleo Cookbook

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Jenny Castaneda’s One-Pot Paleo cookbook makes cooking nutritious meals a breeze. This book is all about simplifying your life. As many of my clients switch to gluten free and grain free healthy eating, spending less time in the kitchen is a huge benefit. At first glance, what I loved most about One-Pot Paleo cookbook was the […]


Benefits of a Detox Cleanse Program

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If you’ve been thinking about doing a Detox Cleanse Program and wonder if it’s right for you, read on to find out about the benefits of a detox cleanse program. Over the past four years in my Nutrition Consulting practice, I’ve seen clients achieve amazing benefits in just two weeks: reduced body fat and weight, […]


Does Life Create Free Radical Damage?

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Does Life Create Free Radical Damage? What is Free Radical Damage? Oxidative stress is what happens in your body when you have too many free radicals. Specifically this damage is caused by an unstable molecule that steals another electron. The molecule gets unstable because an electron was taken away from it, and this creates a […]