Is Sugar Bad for You?

Tri Holistic Nutrition | Oakland California

Is Sugar Bad for You?


There’s a lot of recent talk about the dangers of consuming sugar. Is sugar bad for you? Does sugar make you gain weight? Does sugar make you fat? Are all types of sugars and carbohydrates the same? Does the body metabolize all sugars the same way? To find the answers keep reading…

It has become evident that sugars are the primary cause of obesity and diabetes. Many other inflammatory diseases and health conditions are also a result of too much sugar consumption. All sugars, even the ones found in fruit may derail your weight loss efforts. However, some types of sugars are worse than others. I’m not talking about the natural sugars in broccoli or cabbage, or even in some fruit. I’m talking about added sugars even in the form of so-called healthy alternatives, like honey, maple syrup, agave nectar and the like. 


Tri Holistic Nutrition | Oakland California

Sugar: the Bitter Truth

In Sugar: The Bitter Truth, a YouTube segment, Robert H. Lustig, M.D Professor of Pediatric Division of Endocrinology, University of California San Francisco, highlights what happens when you consume glucose, fructose and ethanol (alcohol).

A much larger portion of the calories is converted into fats when you consume fructose and alcohol as compared with glucose. Dr. Lustig goes into the exact number of calories your body converts into fats when you consume each one of the above components.

The YouTube is worth well watching. It is packed with information that may be the answer to why you are having issues losing weight even if you cut down on calories.

So what do you do?

A great way to embark on removing or reducing sugar from the diet is with the help of a sustainable, sensible easy to follow program that will address your sugar cravings without feeling deprived. Sounds good?

If you have decided that 2019 is a great time to cut the sugar then keep reading….In January 14th I am launching my new online program that will help you kick the sugar cravings, help you drop some weight, get your mojo back. It’s designed for busy women who do not want to spend much time shopping, prepping and figuring out what to eat.

This innovative program is ideal for anyone who is worried about what to eat, how much to eat, and are struggling with extra weight, low energy, sugar cravings and holiday over-eating. It’s online and accessible to anyone with a computer and willingness to get healthy in January. What do you have to lose?

During the program you will develop healthy eating habits, and a plan for sustainable weight loss. You will feel motivated, supported and energized. The guesswork of what to buy, and eat, and how much to eat will be gone. And you will gain extra time on your hands to spend on things you care about more than worrying about your food.

This program includes weekly online coaching sessions, meal plans, quick delicious recipes, easy to follow shopping lists, meal prep day by day guides and a private Facebook support group, all at a low cost of $99 for the 2-week program.

So sign up now for the 14-Day Post-Holiday Reset Program for Busy Women! The price is $99.00 




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