Free Paleo Plus Potluck Dinner Group!
Based on a client’s suggestion, I have started a Free Paleo Plus Potluck Dinner Group. Our first meeting took place on January 19th and it was great. We had a nice turnout, good conversation, and delicious food. If you have you been wondering about what constitutes an appropriate and healthful Paleo diet in the modern era, then this Free Paleo Plus Potluck Dinner Group is for you. What does the Plus in Paleo Plus mean? Come to the potluck in Oakland and find out…
We will share home cooked meals, explore different Paleo approaches, and discuss options for healthy dietary changes and choices in an informal setting.
Sign up early to reserve your space. Come alone or bring your family, friends and loved ones. Kids of all ages are welcome.
Date & Time: Tuesday, March 22, 2016, 6:30 – 8:00 pm.
Location: Uptown Juice Company, 1629 Broadway, Oakland, 94612
What to bring: a homemade Paleo inspired appetizer, main dish, side dish or salad using organic, sustainably raised and seasonal whole food. No grains, dairy, legumes or sugars. Bring enough for your party plus some extra to share. If you want to read a bit more about what makes a Paleo Diet healthy, check out my blog 6 steps to Healthy Paleo Eating.
Our Guest Speaker:
Dr. Heidi Dulay (EdD Harvard, MS Stanford, NC Bauman), author of the upcoming book Eating 911, will share the benefits of “personalized eating” based on your unique bio-profile
Because some people have food alleges and dietary preferences, please print the recipe with all the ingredients listed. Who knows…we may end up with an amazing cookbook… I have a few recipes I posted on my blog that may give you some inspiration.
Meetings are sponsored by:
Tri Holistic Nutrition and Uptown Juice Company of Oakland
RSVP: by March 18tth or 510.919.8725
If you know of others who would be interested in this group, please share. Looking forward to seeing you on the 22nd!