
Healthy Breakfast Ideas

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I am often asked by my clients for healthy breakfast ideas. The simple answer is everyone is different, and what is best for some people may be unhealthy for others. Yet, what we do know is that the typical breakfast foods, which are high in refined carbohydrates and all types of sugars, are best avoided […]


Bison Patties with Cumin and Herbs

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Humans are genetically adapted to eat what the Paleolithic (Old Stone Age) ancestors ate. They ate whatever they could hunt, fish, gather and pluck for 2.5 million years, which is why they were lean, fit and free from Western diseases. When they died, often earlier than we do, their deaths were not attributed to Western […]


Spring Fava Bean Salad

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My friend Drew recently gave me 5 lbs. of organic fresh Fava beans that he grew in his garden over the winter. The 2016 Northern California winter was particularly wet, with heavy rains alternating with warm sunshine – perfect conditions for his Fava bean cover crop which produced large plump and absolutely beautiful pods. Drew kept posting Facebook photos […]


Yellow Beet Salad with Lemon and Parsley

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This yellow beet salad with lemon and parsley is so delicious and so simple to make. It is a perfect salad or side dish to accompany any healthy diet: Paleo, Autoimmune Protocol (AIP), vegetarian, vegan, grain-free, gluten-free or any healthy diet. The trick to making the beets look and taste great is to cook them before peeling or trimming the roots […]


Paleo Protein Smoothie

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  This is my favorite Paleo protein smoothie made with PurePaleo. It is my go-to-breakfast, that I often recommend to many of my clients as the best way to start the day. Simple and fast to make, it is perfect for those who are following a Paleo diet or anyone who is sensitive to dairy, grains and legumes. Plus this Paleo protein […]


13 Quick and Easy Health Ruining Tips

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What? Am I serious? Yes I am…to find out the best health ruining tips, keep reading. You may be doing many of these and know how bad these choices are. But just in case you need a reminder…here are 13 ways to ruin your health in no time. Here we go: Eat as much as […]


Passover Gluten Free Gefilte Fish Terrine

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Passover Gluten Free Gefilte Fish Terrine by Tamar Cohen About 20 years ago I abandoned serving commercially prepared gefilte fish, for a beautiful homemade tri colored terrine. I used 3 frozen logs of uncooked premixed fish. One log was left plain, the second mixed with carrots and horseradish and the last was combined with spinach and […]


Easy Paleo Oven Baked Meatballs

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So many meatballs are made with breadcrumbs, eggs and or cheese. Plus they are time consuming to make.  If you are looking for a super easy, super fast, Paleo oven baked meatballs recipe that is gluten, egg and dairy free keep reading. This is a fast and delicious way to make meatballs using one pan, […]